Thursday, March 27, 2008

Where are we going, part two

Alright, I must stop saying when I'm going to write stuff because I'm NEVER on time.

Now, for the second instalment it the renaissance and reformation of my homeschoool.


My children's love for science has not died, instead it is continuing to blossom. I've looked at more science curricula and I can't find anything that I want. I really want to stick to the classical ed. cycles, biology, earth and space, chemistry, physics and include nature study, science projects for fairs and child led exploration. I'll start getting a plan but then I feel it won't work and that I'm failing my kids without a curriculum. I really like Jessica's (Trivium Academy) science by seasons plan I wish I weren't so stuck on the whole science cycle thing.

WOW!! I like the science by seasons plan. I feel like such and idiot, I've been trying to arrange my subjects into months and here I am saying that I'd like to do it by seasons. Seasons seems so much easier, I have more flexibility and time. I feel like I'm in control again. This is so GREAT!

:D :D :D


Spelling is kind of like science, I was going happily along with Spelling Workout (SWO) and then I realize that it's just busy work. Some of the words my kids have been spelling just right for years and there are other words that never seem to come up in SWO but my kids are constantly spelling them wrong. I can't find a spelling curriculum I like so I'm going to try to be brave and make my own.

Through the week I'll look at dc's spelling when they write. When they spell a word wrong I will take note of it and then next week their spelling words will be word, I'm just worried that they'll only use words that they can spell. I asked about this on the WTM Boards and got some great responses, I'm in full planning mode for spelling.


I want Laura to start Latin next year and I'm debating which curriculum, Latin for Children or Latin's Not so Tough! I'm leaning towards LFC which is considerably more rigorous tha Latin's Not so Tough! I think she'll get bored with Level One, I could do Level Two but my main reason for LFC is that I really like the way it's laid out. The activity books, history readers and DVDs all make the lessons so fun that I can't imagine teaching Latin without them. Mariah and David are having success with Latin's Not so Tough! and Chelsea is having success with LFC, so I guess I should choose the one I like more.


I would like Mariah, David and Chelsea to do some more literature studies. I really like reading and discussing for the grammar years but now that they're older I think they need more. I like Lightning Literature but the hard thing is which level to do. I think both David and Chelsea could handle LL7, I have more of a problem with Mariah LL8 seems to boring, she's read all the books and their next courses are estimated for fall '08, but it's only an estimation. I don't want to be scrounging for something at last minute.

There's lots more to think about, plan and post about so be on the lookout for more!

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